Japanese folded fabric quilt - pics and giveaway

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Yes, it really is finished! See!

I got the last hexagon sewn in late Thursday evening and yesterday I sewed on a patch with my name and the year of completion.

It now has pride of place on my bed and helps to keep me and Chalky warm.

Lots of gratuitous photos coming up ...

There are 298 hexagons in total. I made all but two of them - I asked Hayley and Helen to make one each for me.

As you know, this is my first quilt, and entirely hand stitched! Bit of a mammoth challenge, but on the whole it has been great fun.

I started the project around August last year. I first blogged about it here when I had started to make them. I hadn't thought at the time just how many I would need and how long it would take!

So now it's finished I'm glad, relieved, happy and a bit sad. It has certainly kept me busy on many a train journey/cold night/boring weekend.

It turns out I had made one too many hexagons though, and I have been wondering what to do with it.

The first thing that came to mind was "burn it", but that does seem a little extreme (although a nice ending to the project in a sacrifical ritual kind of way).

However, I have decided to do a little giveaway and send it to one of my readers. Maybe it could be the start for your own hand sewn quilt?!

This is the leftover hexi without a purpose ...

To be in with a chance of winning, just leave me a comment. Maybe tell me about your biggest/longest project?

For a second shot at the prize, become a follower and tell me. If you already are a follower just leave another comment to say so.

And for your third and final chance, mention this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter and come back and tell me.

I will draw the winner on Easter Monday, April 9th, so you have just over a week to enter. With the hexi I will also send out my insruction sheet and template for how to make them. Imternational entries welcome and don't forget to leave a way for me to get in touch if you are a no-reply or anonymous commenter!

Good luck!


Friday, 30 March 2012

Sorry for shouting, but I'm so freaking excited that my Japanese folded fabric quilt is now finished. Phew!

Pics to follow over the weekend?

Now to start on some more quilts ...

Another patchwork block

Thursday, 22 March 2012

This week was the third of the beginners' patchwork sessions at the WI Office.

We were learning curved blocks such as Drunkard's Path and Corner to Corner Curve.

Except I didn't really take to them!

First of all I got bored with all the drawing round templates and cutting out. Then I had issues pinning the pieces together around the curve because of my long nails. Then I found them difficult to stitch by hand so tried on the machine. Then my bobbin ran out.

So I threw a fit and gave up! I will go back and finish it at some point, but it just wasn't my day for it!

Instead I started on another Courthouse Steps block. I didn't manage to finish that before I had to leave, but I have got another block nearly ready to go.

This is Tumbling Blocks. I do like paper piecing and the optical illusion and geometric shapes please me.

I have also been working on the Japanese folded fabric quilt, so that could be done fairly soon!

A pincushion

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Another quickie today just to help me work through some of the pics piling up in my "must blog about" folder.

It's a really simple pincushion that my former SU mummy Jules showed me how to make.

I used the Timeless Portrait Fabric from Stampin' Up! and a nice big button in Cherry Cobbler.

Goodness only knows why I keep making pincushions - I have several now!

Quilted patchwork bag

Monday, 12 March 2012

Remember the fab patchwork bag pattern and kit I got from Knitting & Stitching last year? Well, it's still sat part-done in a corner of my room, along with many other WIPs and UFOs.

I have done a little more - the front and back pieces are now finished.

And quilted!

I even bought the Bondaweb to do the applique on the flap.

My excuse at the moment is my lack of sewing machine - mine is in its new home at my office so it's there ready each time for the patchwork course.

No matter, as I have plenty of other things to do ...

Chain piecing

Friday, 9 March 2012

I have recently learnt a marvellous patchworking technique that makes certain blocks so quick and easy ... chain piecing! Wow!

For things like Log Cabin and Courthouse Steps it is perfect and saves A LOT of time becasue you can work on lots of units at once and reduces confusion because they're all at the same stage each step of the way.

Here's my first Log Cabin unit ...

And all four together to make one block.

And then I did Courthouse Steps ...

So hat makes three whole blocks from my patchwork course now!

Inner City block completed

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

My Iinner City patchwork block is now finished!

I'm loving geometric designs, and of course I always like working with hexagons.

They all got pieced together ...

Then hand sewn on to a plain backing fabric.

Love, love, love the optical illusion. I keep staring at it!

Adinkra fabric with the Embroiderers' Guild

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Last weekend was our monthly Embroiderers' Guild meeting. I love these sessions as they are proper me time when I can learn and be inspired without having to do any organising or thinking!
Our topic was Adinkra fabric and stamping and we also had a workshop in the morning.
Magie Relph was our guest and she came along to show us how to make our own stamped fabric using traditional stamps from Ghana.
Here are my attempts ...

In the afternoon she then took us on an imaginary tour of several African countries and told us all about their textiles.
I was amazed by the size of the clothes the men wear during ceremonies - the weight of them would probably crush me!
This is one of my favourite fabrics she showed us - a more modern version of traditional Adinkra stamping.

Magie also has lots of lovely fabrics to buy. I purchased these ...

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