A present for my mum - canvaswork paperweight

Thursday, 26 April 2012

At the Knitting and Stitching Show last year my mum kept eyeing up the canvaswork kits by Sue Hawkins.

In the end she didn't buy one, so when it came to her birthday at the beginning of March I knew just what to get her.

Rather than sending her a kit, which she probably wouldn't find time to make, I decided I would make it for her and send the finished item.

I chose this paperweight which is finished with a pansy and bee with 3D wings and petals.

Unfortunately I didn't get it done in time for her birthday, so it was to be a Mother's Day present.

But that too came and went. As did Easter.

But now it has been finished and posted off to my lovely mum.
Canvaswork is a favourite of mine because you can create such wonderful texture with just a very simple stitch. I must find time to do it more often!

Rejected patchwork blocks

Monday, 23 April 2012

With any new technique there is a learning curve and things always go wrong along the way.

For me with the patchwork course at the WI office, the main difficulty seems to be with choosing colours.

I decided to use pinks and purples and collated a decent pile of fabrics in different shades of these two colours. But when it comes to choosing ones to go together and work with the other blocks I don't always get it right.

So here are some rejects that are now being relegated to another project. I like them in themselves, but they don't work in unison. Ideas for what to do with them are very welcome!

I love this Log Cabin pattern, but those two dark purples just don't sit right.

Within this Corner to Corner Curve block I think the colours are great, but they do not go with the other blocks for my quillow. Also, this block was too fiddly for my liking so I don't think I'll ever take to it!

And the effect of the Courthouse Steps block is lost as I used different fabrics for the steps.
So, I have learned to take more care when choosing fabrics that work together and also given myself extra projects!

Patchwork blocks

Saturday, 21 April 2012

I now have five patchwork blocks completed as part of the course at the WI Office.

For the quillow (a cross-breed of a quilt and a pillow - all will become clear when it is finished) I need seven
blocks so just two more to make. And conveniently, there are two more sessions to go.

Next week I will also be able to start quilting as I have bought my batting and picked out some fabrics that will (hopefully) work as the sashing and backing.

Anyway, here are the blocks.

Tumbling Blocks

Monkey Wrench

Log Cabin

Inner City

Courthouse Steps

I am very in love with these blocks and can't wait to get the finished article together.

HST pinwheel table runner and pot holder

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

As promised, here is my second entry into the Festival of Half Square Triangles.

I had a charm pack of Fa-La-La-La-La by French General for Moda to put to use, and since I'm not that keen on the patterns myself (which makes me wonder why I even bought it) I decided to make something for my mum.

Her house is bursting with cushions, stitched pictures and all sorts of random things I have made for her, so I decided that a table runner and pot holder were the way forward. Actually, I mostly decided this because they are square/rectangular, I had all the bits needed and they're not too fiddly.

First I matched up the charm squares - in each pair I tried to get one busy and one more plain so there was enough contrast.

Then I made the half square triangles and stitched them into pinwheel configurations.

I used a thermal wadding and mottled red fabric for the backing, basted together with pins and hand quilted using embroidery floss.

The pot holder comes complete with ribbon loop for hanging!

I ran out of the red fabric so I had to give the table runner a black edge using satin seam binding.

It'll be going in the post to mum soon (as soon as I have finished another project I am working on for her!)

Rainbow chevron bunting

Monday, 16 April 2012

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?

In this case, two plans came together!

I had in mind to create some new bunting, but to do it a bit different from the traditional style.

I also wanted to enter the Festival of Half Square Triangles linky party.

So I got out the rainbow charm squares from a share I took part in and set to work.

First I had these ....

Then these ...

And finally, a string of rectangular bunting ...

I am so absolutely in love with it. It's bright and quirky and great fun.

It's also not exactly straight or even because I was too anxious to get going and couldn't wait to pick up my quarter-inch foot from the office.

I edged each piece with some white bobbly trim - fun!

I have another project to enter into the Festival of Half Square Triangles - come back to see that later in the week.

Festival of Half Square Triangles

Friday, 13 April 2012

Over at Canoe Ridge Creations the Festival of Half Square Triangles is underway.
An HST is as it sounds - a square made up of two equal-sized triangles. These pieces are quick and easy to make and you can arrange them in all sorts of different ways to get some awesome patterns.
The Festival has some amazing ideas and inspirations and next week we are all invited to show off our own HST creations with the chance to win some amazing prizes.
Of course, I never have enough to do so I decided to make two projects to enter.
They're not quite ready to share yet, but here are some sneak peeks.
First up, a stack of rainbow HSTs.

I made these from the Rainbow Charm Share I participated in a while back - lots of yummy rainbow fabrics in 5" squares.

And look! I caught a rainbow too!

And then I decided to make some pinwheel squares using a charm pack of Fa-La-La-La-La by French General for Moda.
I can't even remember when or why I bought these charms, but they are being put to good use now.
I made nine of the blocks, and one has now become a pot holder.

Hand quilted with embroidery thread and the wadding is a thermal one. I managed to find a piece of red fabric big enough for the backing and binding - I just folded it over and stitched it down!
Rather pleased with my very first HST attempts. Next week I will reveal the full projects and link up to the Festival of HSTs.

Oops! Giveaway winner

In all the excitement of Easter (I was home for a few days being fed and watered by my dad - he makes the best roast dinners and full English brekkies!) I totally forgot about my giveaway for a Japanese folded hexagon and instructions.
I had three entries, but two were anonymous so the winner is ... Kat!
Now, Kat didn't leave an email address either, but I think I know who she is! And if it is who I think it is then I know she is keen to make her own quilt, although maybe not such a labour-intensive one!
Congrats hun!
I will be back soon with a proper blog post of what I have been up to craft-wise. Promise.

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