Rollercoaster of life

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Still all very hectic around here. I have muchos work to do at the moment but not enough motivation, so fighting my desire for naps to get through it all! Another week has nearly gone already - can't believe it!
Anyways, here are two pin cushions I made on Tuesday.

Hayley (WI secretary) showed me how to make them. I will be helping her out with crafty things for the group so yet more stuff to do!
The big exciting news this week is that I won a free ticket to the Stampin' Up! Convention next month! Julie had won it at training so did a draw for her girls who weren't booked and I won! Mega excited about two whole days with lots of lovely demos and making some yummy cards. It's in a really nice hotel in Croydon on November 5th and 6th and I have lots of swaps to start making!
Luckily, have a big delivery of SU goodies coming tomorrow to play with. Will be having a big crafting session on Saturday so should have lots of new things to show you then.
The new catalogue is launched tomorrow and I'll be putting the link up ASAP, so do take a look at all the wonderful new things and get your orders in quick!

Hello Monday!

Monday, 27 September 2010

Another day, another dollar! Yet another busy week ahead. I still have plenty of articles to write so they will keep me going this week. Hoping to fit in at least one good crafting session too, especially as I should have a big parcel of new Stampin' Up! goodies arriving later in the week. And the new catty is launched on Friday! Yays!

For now, here are a few cards using Fox and Friends and Just Soccer.

I still have much of the Tall Tales DSP to finish up and have some more designs in mind, so those will follow! That paper stack and the footbal set are retiring, so you have just a few days left to get hold of them! Give me a shout to order them or any of the other retiring items. Check the Last Chance List on the right for some great discounts.

Can I sleep yet?!

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Well my crazy week is nearly over and all I can do is prepare for the next one!
The craft fair yesterday was very quiet. I sold a couple of bits and had a nice day eating cake anyway!
Here are some pictures of my stall ...

These little flower embroideries I was very pleased with. I must get my Japanese embroidery stash out and begin learning that, as I planned to do ages ago!

I have just ordered a load more Stampin' Up! goodies for my Christmas sessions coming up. Soooo excited to play with it all! The training event in Manchester was awesome and really inspiring so I have lots of ideas to work on.

Today is F1 and some work. And perhaps a nap!

Craft fair

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Hallo! This is my stall at the craft fair in Armley today. It's very quiet so far but am pleased with all the things I have made so fingers crossed people will come soon. And buy things!

Will it ever end?!

Thursday, 23 September 2010

My mega busy life is continuing and looks set to carry on for at least next week as well! Still shattered and definitely going to sleep well tonight!
Today, as well as having a job interview and doing loads of work, I have been sorting stuff for the craft fair, doing more cards and waiting for the UPS person! All went well and I have most of what I planned for the fair sorted (although as I type have remembered something else!) and received more goodies from the new Stampin' Up! catalogue. I also finished off all my swaps for training and booked in to teach a craft class for a lovely lady who emailed me out of the blue.
Here are some quick but really effective cards I did this evening. I just love this design so expect to see many more variations on it!

Time for some much-needed sleep now before another hectic two days. Well, a hectic few weeks really when I think about it!

Another cuppa?

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Here are two more coasters I cross stitched. I really like these and they only took a couple of hours to make. Amazing what you can accomplish while watching the soaps!

My crazy busy week is going fairly well, although I've not quite achieved everything I should have! Still tons to sort for the craft fair and many pieces of work to do, as well as a job interview tomorrow, HMRC workshop Friday morning, SU training session Friday evening and two, yes TWO, visits from UPS bringing more SU goodies. And I can't even sleep on Sunday as next week I still have loads more work to finish and two craft sessions to plan! Keeps me out of trouble I suppose.

Swirly Whirly

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

I am totally in love with the So Swirly Jumbo Wheel from Stampin' Up! It's definitely one of my all-time favourite products. In fact, all the wheels are. This one is great for simple, elegant cards and will also be well-used when it comes to Christmas cards.

Time for a brew?

Monday, 20 September 2010

Then why not enjoy with one of my funky stitched coasters?! These were great fun to make and really quick too.
I still have lots of other things to make from last week and tons of other work stuff to coordinate and organise as well. Going to be a bit of a crazy week!

Crafting madness!

Sunday, 19 September 2010

I have done soooo much papercrafting today it's unreal! Absolutely shattered now though!
Got lots of yummy cards to sell at the fair next weekend and prepped some little bits for people to make themselves when they visit.

Here is a selection of what I made. Been trying to use up the retiring colours of cardstock I have and make the most of random bits. Flight Of The Butterfly, Vintage Vogie, So Swirly Jumbo Wheel and Oval All are the main ingredients. I could have made a million more as they're so straightforward once you get into the swing of it!
Loads more done and to do so expect lots of updates this week!

Cupcake keyring

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Still cracking on with things for the craft fair!
Today I have been working on some coasters and also stitched this cupcake keyring/scissor fob. It has a touch of sparkle thanks to Madeira Glissen Glass thread and is backed with pink felt. Really quick and easy to make, hope someone wants to take it home!

Something for Leeds United football fans

Friday, 17 September 2010

Right, time to actually show you a card!
Here are two football cards made using the Just Soccer stamps for Leeds United fans. I am hoping these will go down well at the craft fair next weekend.

They were really easy to make - simply stamp a piece of A4 cardstock randomly all over and cut it up into strips. Then do a football and Goal on Whisper White, cut out and stick on with Dimensionals.
My lovely SU mummy Julie loaned me the stamp set, which is really great for boys and a bargain at £10.95, but only available in this format and price until the end of this month.
I'm slowly getting ready for the craft fair (Armley Prison, Sept 25th from 9am), but still have loads to make and organise! Fingers crossed it's all worthwhile!

More Stampin' Up! reductions

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Apologies again for the lack of posts recently. I've been really busy with a fair bit of writing! Had a good crafting session the other day so pics from that soon.
For now, here is the update retirement list from Stampin' Up!, with lots of added discounts! Bargain card making products Things are selling out quickly so give me a shout ASAP if you want to order anything.

Stampin' Up! update

Monday, 6 September 2010

Yes I know I'm still being a bit useless! Sorry! Have been a busy bunny in other ways the past week or so. Friend's wedding on Friday, which was fantastic, and a few days with the family. And some writing work as well.

Crafting wise, the news is that the new Stampin' Up! catalogue was revealed for us demonstrators last week and it's amazing! There are so many yummy new things I can't wait to get my hands on them all and have a play. Well, maybe not all, unless I win the lottery! It will be released on October 1st so prepare for some amazing products and creations!

Alongide this, the items that will be retiring were also announced. The colour renovation means quite a few colours will no longer be with us and all the punches are being remodelled into a new style. Many stamp sets will also not be available after the end of this month. The full list can be found here. Some good discounts, and things are already selling out, so let me know soon if you would like to order anything.

Am still preparing for the craft fairs I have coming up and also planning a card class at my house for next month. More details soon!

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